The Success Toolkit Special

for Health & Fitness Businesses in Las Vegas.
Get $197 worth of training and resources for just $7.00!
Enjoy for 30 days.

FLY AHEAD with blueprints that are just waiting for you to take your next steps.
Special Offer good until midnight Friday, August 31.

Leadership in the Las Vegas Health & Fitness Chamber
The Success Toolkit – a series of online trainings and tools which coach you to growing your health services business with confidence and success.

The Chamber not only eliminates the struggle of marketing, but also helps you find your ideal prospects, nurture them and turn them into clients, all without sounding “salesy”.

Enjoy 24 x 7 Access to quick, clear 15-20 minute training videos you can use in Your Member-Home login to immediately improve your client attraction and revenues.

Connecting with Your Purpose
(for Power and Clarity)

Designing Your Keyword Optimized Business Brand

How to Be Found on the Internet
as a Health Services Business
How to Share Your Knowledge
so People take Action

Acquiring More Clients
by Writing Effective Emails

Launch into Video with
  Compelling Webinar Presentations

We ADD 2 New Trainings Each Month in our Live, and Recorded ZOOM Meetings.
In August, you’ll enjoy:

Crafting a Magnetic Message
(to Attract Prospects)
Creating a Compelling Call to Action
(So people know what to do next)

You get to Network with Health & Fitness Business Owners 
and Join our Monthly Mastermind
as further ways to grow you business.

Enjoy $197.00 of training and resources for 30 days for one payment today of $7.00

Become a Member of the LV Health & Fitness Chamber of Commerce

Register Today

One-time payment of $7.00 

This Success Toolkit Special ends in:

We're sorry, this offer ended at midnight July 31. Consider joining the Chamber by clicking Join.


The significant experience, dedication and desire of the Chamber leadership to grow member businesses is absolutely apparent!
Whether you have a product or service, the visibility, training, leadership opportunities and connections will help you and your business grow.
I've gained valuable training in business marketing, branding and writing. Members support each other and our efforts for company growth and prosperity.
The Chamber has been one of my most rewarding memberships in a professional or learned association. I highly recommend membership & participation.
Chamber leaders help you to be successful in your business, guiding how to use the latest technology to get noticed and drive potential clients to your website.
As President and Chair, Jonathan and I are so impressed with the quality of leaders and members which is the Chamber's true strength!
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