It is well established that collaboration among health and wellness professionals provides greater benefit to both the overall health, wellness and fitness of the community and the businesses who are committed to supporting it.

An alliance is a bond between people, groups, or communities. We believe in aligning together in support of the effort to awaken, educate and nurture.

Pricing Overview



Regular Annual $395



Regular Annual $495



Regular Annual $199



Regular Annual $249

Aliance Membership Benefits




Who Our Members Are

Practitioner Members provide health, wellness or fitness products and/or services to clients or patients. Our practitioner members are engaged in the betterment of health and wellness from various health, wellness and fitness modalities.

Business Members provide products and services that benefit our practitioner and community members. Business Members do not provide healthcare in any form. Business members provide supportive services to practitioner and community members.

Non-profit members are any organization with a non-profit status. Non-Profit members can be engaged in business related or health, wellness and fitness related activities.

What Our Members Do

Practitioner Members Include:

Holistic Wellness Coach, Chiropractor, Reiki Master, Bio Acoustic Therapist, Personal Fitness Trainer, Fitness Clubs, Healthy Food Store/Restaurant, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Physician Liaison, Yoga Instructor and many other modalities.

Business Members Include:

Printing Services, Insurance,  Financial Services, Marketing Services, Office Supply, Advertising Services, Cleaning Services and many others.

Non-profit Members Include:

Healthcare organizations, charities, and passion projects among others.

Networking Social Events

Members Receive 50% off Event Prices

Members receive 50% off vendor space at special Chamber, social and networking events

Members Receive 50% off Event Prices

Fee based access to vendor space at special Chamber, social and networking events

Members Receive 50% off Event Prices

Members receive 50% off vendor space at special Chamber, social and networking events

Online Directory

Practitioner Members will receive a full listing in our online directory searchable by all members as well as the general public

Business Members will receive a full listing in our online directory searchable by all members as well as the general public

Non Profit Members will receive a full listing in our online directory searchable by all members as well as the general public

Community Outreach

We reach out to the community to introduce them to our member network of healers and practitioners & alternative modalities for health

We reach out to and connect the business community to our member network of healers & practitioners

We provide our members access to the resources provided by non-profit member organizations

Quarterly Newsletter

Free Ad inclusion in two Quarterly newsletters emailed to members, sponsors & subscribers

Paid ad inclusion in two Quarterly newsletter emailed to members, sponsors & subscribers

Free Ad inclusion in one Quarterly newsletter emailed to members, sponsors & subscribers


Ability to provide educational seminars and introductions to alternative healthcare modalities. Access to business course content and resources

Be invited to special events as a guest speaker. Attend Practitioner educational seminars

Be invited to special events as a guest speaker. Attend Practitioner educational seminars

Patient/Client Appreciation Event

Chamber provides marketing & organization for community outreach & awareness. One time event per member.

Not Available to Business Members

Not Available to Non-Profit Members

Earn Membership Credits

1 Credit for each referred new paid member. Each credit = 33 1/3% of membership cost or 3 credits for Sponsorship. Max 3 credits per year.

Pass Through Benefits

Alliance members offer discounts on products and services to Alliance and Community Members

Event Calendar

Ability to post events on the Chamber Events Calendar

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