List Building Funnels | Training Series | Las Vegas Health & Fitness Chamber of Commerce
List Building Funnel Training Series | Las Vegas Health & Fitness Chamber of Commerce

List Building Funnel Training Series

June – November 2021

1st & Third Thursdays Monthly – Virtual Online Training Free, Open to All!
(Watch Events Page for Schedule Updates)

Monthly Mastermind Funnel-Building Workshop Available to Chamber Members (Join the Chamber)

List Building Funnel Training Series | Las Vegas Health & Fitness Chamber of Commerce

Why Are List Building Funnels Important?

  1. To generate new business you need a good contact list.
  2. Many traditional methods of generating new contacts produce underwhelming results:
    • Website newsletter sign-up forms
    • Purchased lists
    • Paid Google and Facebook Ads
    • Banner Ads
    • Organic website SEO (search engine optimization)
    • Direct Mailing

How many of the above list building methods have you tried?
How many have actually generated new contacts for your business?

Your business deserves a new approach to list building…an approach that actually works!

Disappointment with Traditional List Building Methods | Las Vegas Health & Fitness Chamber of Commerce List Building Funnel Training Series

You Will Learn a Funnel List-Building Strategy That Makes ALL the Above Methods Work!

Generate More New Contacts ~ Sale More Products and Services ~ Grow Your Business Faster!
This Virtual Online Training is Free and Open to All!

Series Introduction – Jonathan

What Are List Building Funnels?

Why Are They So Powerful?

What You Will Learn

How to Get the Most Out of This Series

Funnel Core – David

Your Product’s Value
Positioning Value to Market
How Easy and Effective is Your Product?

Funnel Incentive – Jonathan

Creating an Irresistible Download
Downloads That Convert Prospects into Clients

Engagement Events – David

Event Types and Themes
Engaging Your Audience
Inspiring Your Audience to Take Action

Front End Ads – Jonathan

Advertising Your Free Download
Advertising Your Engagement Event
Where to Advertise
Ads the Compel Action

Creating Visibility and Credibility: Part 1 – David 

Creating Valuable Articles That Get Viewers
Articles That Feed Your Funnel

Creating Visibility and Credibility: Part 2 – Jonathan

Creating Compelling Eblasts That Get Opened
Eblasts That Grow Relationships and Generate Business

Creating Visibility and Credibility: Part 3 – Jonathan

Creating Social Media Posts That Get Attention, Create Relationships, Generate New Contacts and Grow Your Business

Creating Visibility and Credibility: Part 4 – David

Creating Compelling Videos That Feed Your Funnel
Creating Visibility for Your Videos
Growing YouTube Subscribers
Engaging YouTube Subscribers

Funnel Testing – David

Testing and Refining Your List Building Funnel

Funnel Joint Venturing – Jonathan

Putting Your List Building Funnel on Steroids Through Joint Venture Collaboration

Funnel Conclusion – David

Activating Your List Building Funnel
Replicating Your List Building Funnel
What’s Next?

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