1 Connecting with Your Purpose * Smith 1. Your Big Picture
2 How to be found on the internet through a thematically unified content marketing strategy Smith 1. Your Big Picture
3 Art & Science of Communications – Intro Marx 1. Your Big Picture
1 Creating Your Member Website Smith 2. Publishing Your Content
2 Creating Effective Blog Articles Marx 2. Publishing Your Content
3 Creating Compelling Webinar Presentations Marx 2. Publishing Your Content
4 Creating Your Compelling Call to Action Marx 2. Publishing Your Content
1 Designing Your Keyword Optimized Business Brand * Smith 3. Influencing More Clients
2 Top Website Best Practices Smith 3. Influencing More Clients
3 The Journey from Prospect to Client Marx 3. Influencing More Clients
4 Anatomy of a Sales Letter  Smith 3. Influencing More Clients
5 Writing Effective Emails  Marx 3. Influencing More Clients
6 Turn Your Knowledge Into Information Product Smith 3. Influencing More Clients
Designing Key Marketing Collateral – David Smith 3. Influencing More Clients
Creating a Monthly Marketing Calendar – David Smith 3. Influencing More Clients
Expanding Website Visibility – Jonathan Marx 3. Influencing More Clients
Growing Your Speaking Skills – David Smith 3. Influencing More Clients
Sharpening Your Writing Skills – David Smith 3. Influencing More Clients
Practicing Effective Public Relations – Jonathan Marx 3. Influencing More Clients
Integrating Key Social Media Platforms – Jonathan Marx 4. Getting Social
Activating Your Contact List – Jonathan Marx 4. Getting Social
Adding Business Networking to Your Toolkit – David Smith 4. Getting Social
Strengthening Your Business Reputation – David Smith 4. Getting Social
Making Joint Venturing a Key Growth Generator – Jonathan Marx 4. Getting Social
Calling Upon Coaches & Mentors – Jonathan  Marx 5. Inspiration for Growth
Identifying & Troubleshooting Growth Limiting Influences – Jonathan Marx 5. Inspiration for Growth
Managing Success Gracefully – David  Smith 5. Inspiration for Growth
Mastering the Art of Continual Improvement – Jonathan Marx 5. Inspiration for Growth
Inspiring & Motivating Yourself for Marathon Sustainability- Jonathan Marx 5. Inspiration for Growth
Installing & Documenting Simple Repeatable Process Templates – David Smith 5. Inspiration for Growth
Replicating Yourself by Training and Certifying Others – Jonathan Marx 5. Inspiration for Growth
Establishing Business Structure – Financial advisor Financial Advisor 6. Administering Your Business
Setting Business Admin In Place – Financial advisor Financial Advisor 6. Administering Your Business
Installing Insurance & Legal Representation – Financial advisor Financial Advisor 6. Administering Your Business
Creating Financing Systems That Serve You – Financial advisor Financial Advisor 6. Administering Your Business
Attracting & Hiring Help – HR advisor HR Advisor 6. Administering Your Business
Unifying and Empowering Your Marketing Admin – David Smith 6. Administering Your Business
Inspiring and Equipping Your Team – David Smith 6. Administering Your Business
Strengthening Your Support System – None TBD 6. Administering Your Business
Deciding Whether to Franchise Your Business- Specialist Specialist 7. Creating a Legacy
Discovering Alternate Models to Franchising – Specialist Specialist 7. Creating a Legacy
Inheritance or Sale – Specialist Specialist 7. Creating a Legacy
Valuing Your Business (How Much is it Worth?)- Specialist Specialist 7. Creating a Legacy
Preparing Your Business for Sale – Specialist Specialist 7. Creating a Legacy
Selling Your Business – Specialist Specialist 7. Creating a Legacy
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