Member Spotlight Rotation

Everything YOU NEED to create your inspiring 7-minute Member Spotlight Presentation.

Q1 2021

Michael Morrow
Sherry Scott
Stan Shields
Vicki Coleman

Q2 2021 + July

Sheila Stirling
Dianna Whitley

Arthur Copperthite
Leo Harten

Mary Levine
Peppy Caccavale

Glen Alex
Jolli Neal

Benefits to Presenters

  1. Chamber members will know how to send you business referrals and suggest joint venture collaborations.
  2. This is a dress rehearsal + valuable feedback for presenting your business to potential clients.
  3. Learn about and support fellow member businesses. 
  4. Your spotlight will be promoted in pre-meeting email announcements.
  5. Your Spotlight is a fun, enjoyable experience. Everyone is pulling for you! You are the star!

Presentation Guidelines

  1. You are a current Chamber member.
  2. 7-minute time limit + 3 minutes Q&A.

Recommendations for an Effective Presentation

  1. Create Presentation Slides: (we suggest a tool such as PowerPoint).
    • Why? People learn more when they can both see and hear your message.
  2. Slide Content – Images, Brief Talking Points: Bullet points are encouraged. No paragraphs please.
  3. Stick to the Points on Your Slide:  This helps people to know where you are. You may add commentary.
  4. 1-Minute Max Per Slide: Not too many points on a slide.  Changing slides every minute keeps peoples’ attention.
  5. 7-15 Slides Total: Based on time per slide.
  6. Repetition Mantra (both for overall presentation and for major sections):
    • Tell ‘em what you’re gonna tell ‘em: (Intro)
    • Tell ‘em (Message)
    • Tell ‘em what you told ‘em (Wrap-up)
  7. Engage Your Audience:
    • Focus on the benefits people need — benefits you deliver.
    • Showing proof builds your credibility: Client stories, examples, testimonials.
    • If the purpose of your presentation is…
      • To inform?  Ask questions to see if people understand
      • Inspire your audience to take action?  What’s your action step?  Be really clear what you want them to do.
  8. Ask for Specific Referrals: The more specific your requests, the more likely members will respond. Paint a clear picture.

Sharing Your Screen

When it’s time for your presentation, we’ll invite you to share your screen.

  • Move your cursor to the bottom of your Zoom video, and the menu pictured below  will pop up.
  • Click New Share when you begin.
  • Will you be playing a video?
    • Immediately after clicking New Share, an intermediary window will appear.
    • Check the box labeled “Share with Computer Sound.
  • Click Stop Share when finished with your presentation and Q&A time.

Help Preparing Your Member Spotlight

Your Chamber is here to field questions and help you prepare.

Spotlight Mentors

  • Dr. Vicki Coleman, Education Coordinator – First line of help – 702-524-0223
  • David Smith – Chamber Chair (always available to help) – 503-816-9665
  • Jonathan Marx – Chamber President (always available to help) – 702-755-1041
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