Member Spotlight Rotation
Everything YOU NEED to create your inspiring 7-minute Member Spotlight Presentation.
Q1 2021
Michael Morrow
Sherry Scott
Sherry Scott
Stan Shields
Vicki Coleman
Vicki Coleman
Q2 2021 + July
Sheila Stirling
Sheila Stirling
Dianna Whitley
Arthur Copperthite
Leo Harten
Mary Levine
Peppy Caccavale
Glen Alex
Jolli Neal
Benefits to Presenters
- Chamber members will know how to send you business referrals and suggest joint venture collaborations.
- This is a dress rehearsal + valuable feedback for presenting your business to potential clients.
- Learn about and support fellow member businesses.
- Your spotlight will be promoted in pre-meeting email announcements.
- Your Spotlight is a fun, enjoyable experience. Everyone is pulling for you! You are the star!
Presentation Guidelines
- You are a current Chamber member.
- 7-minute time limit + 3 minutes Q&A.
Recommendations for an Effective Presentation
- Create Presentation Slides: (we suggest a tool such as PowerPoint).
- Why? People learn more when they can both see and hear your message.
- Slide Content – Images, Brief Talking Points: Bullet points are encouraged. No paragraphs please.
- Stick to the Points on Your Slide: This helps people to know where you are. You may add commentary.
- 1-Minute Max Per Slide: Not too many points on a slide. Changing slides every minute keeps peoples’ attention.
- 7-15 Slides Total: Based on time per slide.
- Repetition Mantra (both for overall presentation and for major sections):
- Tell ‘em what you’re gonna tell ‘em: (Intro)
- Tell ‘em (Message)
- Tell ‘em what you told ‘em (Wrap-up)
- Engage Your Audience:
- Focus on the benefits people need — benefits you deliver.
- Showing proof builds your credibility: Client stories, examples, testimonials.
- If the purpose of your presentation is…
- To inform? Ask questions to see if people understand
- Inspire your audience to take action? What’s your action step? Be really clear what you want them to do.
- Ask for Specific Referrals: The more specific your requests, the more likely members will respond. Paint a clear picture.
Sharing Your Screen
When it’s time for your presentation, we’ll invite you to share your screen.
- Move your cursor to the bottom of your Zoom video, and the menu pictured below will pop up.
- Click New Share when you begin.
- Will you be playing a video?
- Immediately after clicking New Share, an intermediary window will appear.
- Check the box labeled “Share with Computer Sound.
- Click Stop Share when finished with your presentation and Q&A time.
Help Preparing Your Member Spotlight
Your Chamber is here to field questions and help you prepare.
Spotlight Mentors
- Dr. Vicki Coleman, Education Coordinator – First line of help – 702-524-0223
- David Smith – Chamber Chair (always available to help) – 503-816-9665
- Jonathan Marx – Chamber President (always available to help) – 702-755-1041