Member Category(s)

#1 Alternative Health

#2 Frequency / Energy Healing

#3 CBD Products

Cheri Hickman


Queen Bee Biz

Bee Happy – A Women’s Journey to Joy!

Contact Information


(702) 279-9712

Business Hours
By Appointment Only


8am to 6pm
8am to 6pm
8am to 6pm
8am to 6pm
8am to 6pm


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Member Details & Designations


Queen Bee Biz

Founding Member

The Las Vegas Health & Fitness Chamber of Commerce

Certified in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Reconnective Healing®️ Certified Foundational Practitioner & The Personal Reconnection

CBD Certification


Member Bio | Company Information

Queen Bee Biz was created, in 2012, to be the ultimate and transcendent source for your health and happiness. My dream is to provide natural, holistic solutions for your emotional, physical, and financial wellness!

I have been married since 1981 with 3 children, 4 grandchildren and 1 great grandson. I am certified in EFT, Frequency Scanning, Reconnective Healing and the Personal Reconnection.  I am semi-retired from our family business and focusing on supporting you in your future health and wealth. I spend half of my summers at our mountain property in Utah.

I’ve practiced and studied energy healing since 2010. I first found EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and fell in love with it, due to the results my clients experienced. I feel energy healing and CBD is the future of healthcare and is a much more effective and non-intrusive way to heal.

As Reconnective Healing®️ Certified Foundational Practitioner, I’ve discovered the latest in alternative solutions for emotional wellness. This simple process works with the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical sides of you. Reconnective Healing is neither a therapy nor a treatment, as it does not focus on symptoms. It’s something much, much more. There are no rituals, no techniques.

I realized Reconnective Healing®️ was more powerful than any other energy work I’ve done in the past, when after I had a healing, I no longer had any respiratory issues.  I’ve had asthma all my life and this was the first time I was able to breathe effortlessly!

I highly promote CBD products, due to the results I have had for myself. In 2018 I wasn’t able to open a jar. The arthritis in my hands kept me from being able to do much with them. I was introduced to a high quality CBD product and after 3 weeks my hands were in great shape! Due to using a high quality CBD since then my hands and back (which now has issues) are doing beautifully! I went from using the first product to finding a company, with the same or higher quality product, for a third of the price!

Now that I’ve found CBD, Frequency Scanning, and Reconnective Healing®️, I know this these are the bomb!

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From Queen Bee Biz

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