ZZZ-Influencer Toolkit for Members

Your Influencer Toolkit

This Toolkit is where you build your skills and business with our expert online training, so that you can influence and help a wider audience.

Watch these videos when you want to begin using these skills over time. Below you will see Books and the Lessons we have created for you. Each lesson enables you to implement new skills for your business.

Contact us:       David Smith, Chairman       Jonathan Marx, President

Book 1. Your Big Picture

Get grounded with the basics so that you can reach for the sky in influencing potential clients and wider audiences.

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Book 2. Publishing Your Content

We teach you how to create content that educates, inspires, and motivates your audience to take action in improving their lives.

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Book 3. Influencing More Clients

In Book 3 we show you how to take your audience from interested parties to committed clients.

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Book 4. Getting Social

In Book 4, we help you focus on disseminating your content via email, social media platforms, networking, and joint ventures.

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Book 5. Inspiration for Growth

In Book 5, we guide you in growing your business based on a combination of planning and inspiration.

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Book 6. Administering Your Business

In Book 6, we share thoughts about successful business structure, processes, and management.

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Book 7. Creating Your Legacy

Coming in the near future!

Book 7.
Creating Your Legacy

living your legacy

Book 8. How to Build Your List with Funnels

We explore and share Best Practices for building your list, expanding your list, and growing your business.

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Book 9. Mastermind Interactive Sessions

We share with you here the Monthly Masterminds we have begun recording which cover specific topics in-depth, and in which participants provide valuable feedback to each other.  Much to learn from these!

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Track Your Progress…

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