Welcome to your Membership Home

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Quick orientation Video

New Member? Start Here!
Complete Your Member Profile

Prepare to Present Your Business
(60-sec. Networking Presentation)

  1. Get onto the Member Spotlight Rotation.
  2. Prepare 3 versions of your 60 sec. Networking Presentation.
  3. View the 60 sec Presentation Workshops for tips on sharpening your 60-second presentation.

Prepare to Present Your Business
(10-min Member Spotlight)

  1. Complete the Speaker Bio portion of your Core Business Information Document.
  2. Prepare your Member Spotlight. Your Core Business Information Document is a great content source. Additional guidance is on the Member Spotlight Rotation page.
  3. Submit your Speaker Bio to the leader who will introduce you at the upcoming meeting.

Connect with Members
Attend Regularly

  1. Place upcoming Chamber meetings and mastermind sessions on your calendar.
  2. Attend the Monthly Networking Social, invite guests, help grow the Chamber
  3. Complete your Core Business Information (also valuable for 60-sec and Member Spotlight).
  4. Activate your 1-2-1 Activity Tracker.
  5. Begin 1-2-1 meetings 2 x monthly and document on 1-2-1 Follow-Up Documentation.
  6. Participate in the Facebook Member Forum.

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Study and Begin to Apply
the Influencer Toolkit Training

Begin Blogging on the
Chamber Website

Deliver a Business Webinar

  1. View webinar creation guidance in the influencer toolkit.
  2. Contact jonathanmarx@cpu.f2a.mywebsitetransfer.com to schedule your webinar presenation.

Note: Due to the time investment there is a webinar presentation fee.

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Take Advantage of
Membership Discounts

  1.  15% off on all Smith & Marx Marketing Services.
  2. Office Depot Chamber Member Discount Card.

Become a Chamber Leader

  1. View Chamber Leadership Positions
  2. Select a position and apply.
  3. Leaders receive a $100 discount on annual Chamber membership fee.

Place Your Introductory Product or Service on the Chamber Shopping Cart 

  1. View products and services on the Chamber shopping cart.
  2. Create your product/service offer.
  3. Submit your product to jonathan@cpu.f2a.mywebsitetransfer.com

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Become a Chamber
Shopping Cart Affiliate

  1. Sign up and get your Chamber affiliate link.
  2. Earn 50% commission on every new Chamber member you recruit. 2 new members = 1 year free membership.
  3. Earn up to 50% commission on every shopping cart sale.

Invite Business Associates to a Chamber Meeting or Social

  1. Every new member helps grow your business.
  2. New members create new energy.
  3. 40 members creates a business growth “tipping point” for everyone.

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Update Your Profile

Change Your Password


Update Your Email Address

You can change your email by entering the new email you'd like to use by filling out the form below. This will update the email that you will need to log in with after. Enter it twice to be sure you've got it right... [memb_change_email]

Your Current Membership: Level

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